Flycatchers of the Tyrant Family (all those on the List) are
similar in appearance. Sibley (The Sibley Field Guide to Birds) says
"Plumage and structure can be so similar among species within the
various genera that voice is the primary field mark." The National
Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America says about the
Empidonax Flycatchers (all but the Pewee on the list): "All are
drab, with pale eye rings and wing bars. Identification depends on
voice, habitat, behavior, and subtle differences in size, bill
shape, primary projection, and tail length." Since flycatchers are
mostly solitary birds, it is difficult to compare size, bill shape
and tail length when you see a flycatcher perching for a second and
then flying out to grab a mosquito or moth.
So, I know that these are flycatchers, but I can't say what kind
they are. The Sibley Guides can help with these identifications.
They are all the same bird, if that helps.