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Nomination Documents for WSR Designation

Senator Ron Wyden has introduced a bill, the River Democracy Act of 2021, cosponsored by Senator Merkley, to add nearly 4,700 miles of Oregon rivers and streams to the protected status provided by a Wild and Scenic River designation. The Friends of Douglas-Fir National Monument have worked Senator Wyden, and with other Oregon environmental groups, to include all of the rivers and waterways within the proposed National Monument in the Act, reflecting their important wild and scenic character and their contribution to the peaceful and contemplative quality of the environment within the National Monument.
Each waterway's inclusion in the Act is supported by a document that demonstrates the waterway's qualities, as they relate to their qualifications for designation.
You can open a pdf of the nomination by clicking on the links set out below. If you wish, you can review information and suggestions on how to support these nominations by clicking here.

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Breitenbush Nomination


North Santiam Nomination

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Crabtree Creek Nomination

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Quartzville Creek Nomination

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Middle Santiam Nomination

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South Santiam Nomination

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Lava Lake and Park Creek

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