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The Friends of the Douglas-Fir National Monument work to promote the creation of a Douglas-Fir National Monument. All donations are used only to advance the purposes of the Friends of Douglas-Fir National Monument.
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Donations are used to communicate the value of the Monument to the public and to elected officials. Funds are used to prepare and distribute the Dispatch. Funds are used to guide tours of the area of the proposed Monument. Funds are used to confer with like-minded conservation groups and to participate in meetings that will advance the goals of the Friends to create a Monument. Donations are used to monitor and comment on logging and logging proposals in the area of the proposed National Monument to be sure that these actions either advance the Friend's goals of responsible, science-based forest management or do the minimal damage to the forest needed to sustain the Douglas-Fir National Monument.
Please consider a donation to support the work of the Friends of Douglas-Fir National Monument.
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You can send a tax-dedctible check to: Friends of Douglas-Fir National Monument
P.O. Box 176 Bend, OR  97709
, or click the DONATE button to use PayPal

Donations are tax-deductible

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