As I said, this bird's song is, for me, the song of the forest.
It is also possible to see in the forest, but you have to be lucky.
If you are a birder, you may be thinking "are you sure this is not a
Hermit Thrush?" But the topic of the difficulty of distinguishing
some birds from their close kin has been discussed elsewhere, so the
answer is yes, and if you want to compare with a Hermit
Thrush you can see how clear the difference is.
(The clue for me is always the eyes. Hermit Thrush have eye rings,
Swainson's have connected eye rings (lores).
This is a Hermit Thrush. Compare with the photos above. More help in telling the two birds apart from the Cornell Ornithology Lab, including their calls:
Hermit Thrush
Swainson's Thrush